
Welcome to the companion website for the upcoming exploratory seminar APOCALYPSE: NOW - Time, Ethics, and Eschatology. We are very excited for the seminar and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Executive Summary

The end of the world may not be as distant as it once seemed. Some have gone so far as to claim that the apocalypse has already happened—we just haven’t noticed it yet. These apocalyptic anxieties are nothing new, yet they have assumed a newfound urgency in recent years. For scholars, critics, artists, and practitioners working across the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences— including literary and critical theory, theology, cultural and environmental history, climate science, geology, biology, and cosmology, among others—the future is, astoundingly, now. This renewed interest in the end time raises several questions: Just how much future is there? When and where does the future end? And how does that measurement shape our actions in the present? How do speculative temporalities form or constrain current ethical practices? What does it mean to be a good citizen of the future? What obligations do we bear to communities situated on the horizon of time? What are the normative claims of futurity? To approach these questions and conundrums, we propose a Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar to gather some of the world’s most dynamic theorists, artists, writers, and scholars currently grappling with the ever more imminent end-to-things.

Exploratory Seminar Leaders

Giovanni Bazzana
Professor of New Testament
Harvard Divinity School
Email: gbazzana@hds.harvard.edu

Website: https://hds.harvard.edu/people/giovanni-bazzana

Evander Price
American Studies Ph.D Candidate
Harvard University
Email: evanderprice@fas.harvard.edu
Website: https://evanderprice.com/